All Works No play makes Jack(ie)...
It was so nice to see everybody and even more yesterday at the Garrick Arms. So much like a Re-union of old boys (no offence ladies) than an ordinary social night. Well-done people.
Thanks to those who were able to make it and for those who couldn’t, don’t worry, it’s understandable how time in London can be typically an essential commodity. Look forward to seeing you sometime soon.
Well, like I hinted in my last article, we are growing in strength and things can only be better. Yesterday at the Garrick Arms saw quite an honourable list of attendance. The new faces were in masses. Welcome people. How lovely it would be to have the newly(wed)-arrived in the next meeting itself. Welcome back also to Alex who’s been on AWOL since January… heheheee. The giant is back and I hope; back indeed.
Well, without too much talk, you can guess it was a wonderful night out yesterday; thanks again to the Garrick Arms for the bountiful provision and to Mex for this profitable connection. Bravo Mex.
Now, look through the pictures taken with my cheap Nokia N91. It’s just a 2MP so not so much quality, but I hope its better than nothing.
Thanks to those who were able to make it and for those who couldn’t, don’t worry, it’s understandable how time in London can be typically an essential commodity. Look forward to seeing you sometime soon.
Well, like I hinted in my last article, we are growing in strength and things can only be better. Yesterday at the Garrick Arms saw quite an honourable list of attendance. The new faces were in masses. Welcome people. How lovely it would be to have the newly(wed)-arrived in the next meeting itself. Welcome back also to Alex who’s been on AWOL since January… heheheee. The giant is back and I hope; back indeed.
Well, without too much talk, you can guess it was a wonderful night out yesterday; thanks again to the Garrick Arms for the bountiful provision and to Mex for this profitable connection. Bravo Mex.
Now, look through the pictures taken with my cheap Nokia N91. It’s just a 2MP so not so much quality, but I hope its better than nothing.
Organizer Mark A. welcoming giant Al back
Sharon (cosy meeting place provider) wt the ladies
Mex(right) making ladies feel at home
Alex again, so much welcome accolades
If these were the left over, you can imagine how so much food we had.
The Garrick Arms
At 12:50 pm,
Anonymous said…
Great blogpost Godwyn and thanks for adding the pictures too
Also thanks to everyone for making it a very enjoyable evening. Mark's hoping that we have another social in about two months time and we're promised Nachos for the next one!!
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