January Meetup (cont'd)
Ok, lets see it from my view. Yes you MUST (hahahahaaaa, never mind please).
As I walked into the Waterstone's basement cafe, I sensed that today's meeting was going to be interested. It looked refreshed, I mean the members already there, looked so expectant and very relaxed and merry too.
The organizer, ever punctual (talk of leading by example), was there but funnily enough, not at the FATEful corner. Thus it took me time to pick out which is the group with what the cafe usually is. Well, when I enquired of him the reason for to gather us in the centre, (dont worry, the english Emma Brown is written in is my newly found love, encourage me please); he pointed me to an old lady singularly occupying our inherited place. This old maid, set not her composure as one ready to leave, but Mark appearing he could, probably by hipnotic emissions, felt he can set the old one on her way, while we gradually trickled in to wait. But a man of time as it is of Mark, did at last commence the discussion as the busiest hand of time struck the quarter of the hour.
Introduction done and Mark being happy he got a second Marc (spellings personal please), marked us present by mentioning our names to Marc.. and then surprised us with Emily's speakership position.
Before that, someone did bring to my front a tray of hot steaming tea cups, such as Mrs Chalfont would do unto Mr. Ellin. I, mistaken the young lad for a Waterstone waiter, asked him how my countenance has drew such a mercy from him. Lo... this was a member who in honest and gentlemanly manner, had purchased these for a noble lady and himself; thus he spake unto me with a note of regret that had I arrived more timely than did, such a favour would have been shown unto one as needful as me. I offered my gratefulness, though my body has no need for filling with any hot liquid.
Progress made, the speaker's approach seem to keep us in check. Like lads having a new teacher on the first day of term, none strayed from the questions: for fear or respect, I suppose. We did answer all questions diligently like a pupil working for his long ambitiously coveted study till this new tutor informed us it was the last question.
Thanks to the various perspectives shared and shed on the characters and writers of Emma Brown. What else is the use of meeting to discuss books.
At this stage, followed our vote for future reads: 2 books made it: please ask the organizer or visit the message board. Anyway, the VIKING is still not voted or was not suggested today. So at the moment, we have books up until April meetup; no one should complain of thier voting right as regard to that issue henceforth.
So congrats to the Organizer for a job well-done in 2005; and as I mentioned in the write-up prior to this, he seem to be bringing David Cameronness though in a Tony Blairness postion as he has not been found Charles Kennedynessly unqualified. Ride on Mark.
Thumb up also to Mex too, she has come along way, I can't wait to see us read her work, at least for the boast of the authors in the midst, as well as Brad's. Wouldnt it be nice to criticize the authors there and then and see... hehehehehe. Anyway, till such a time as shall happen this, I rest my case.
Now, I got to sleep and hope humour as weak and ill as mine offends no good lass as you dear reader. And if thou be as near as to get infuriated, do, I implore thee accept the apology that flows before this offence.
Yours humbly,
At 2:49 am,
Videos by Professor Howdy said…
There is a time for everything,
a season for every activity
under heaven. A time to be
born and a time to die. A
time to plant and a time to
harvest. A time to kill and
a time to heal. A time to
tear down and a time to
rebuild. A time to cry and
a time to laugh. A time to
grieve and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones
and a time to gather stones.
A time to embrace and a
time to turn away. A time to
search and a time to lose.
A time to keep and a time to
throw away. A time to tear
and a time to mend. A time
to be quiet and a time to
speak up. A time to love
and a time to hate. A time
for war and a time for peace.
May this be
your time to laugh,
embrace & receive
personal peace,
Dr. Howdy
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