Sharing thoughts in humility

The London Book Club is a meetup group hosted by the The group has been in existence since early 2004 and has come to be stable with a few constant members. Its a fun meetup and enjoyed by all. Discussions goes on smoothly and there is no class affair though it is made up of people of all status, from students to directors, etc. If you have thing for reading books, you may like to try this out. We read across subjects and suggestion is open to all. See you...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Shantaram: We Were Too Happy To Express

Shantaram! It was a good read – although I have not yet done the last page. No one complained negatively about the massive autobiography/fictional setup.

As we discussed the book, what interested me most was the question: “define the author in one word.” The answers were quite beautiful, but the best was “a criminal with conscience”. Another was “self-made”.

Gregory Roberts was actually some sort of magical person. And his description in d book was pure and captivating, most of it touching to the heart. His outreaching, social abilities, condescending manners and an ever-ready to help approach is rather too endearing.

But for the extensive size of the novel, making the discussion a bit cold, it was a nice night. Nice because the meeting was discussing an interesting story in a cold manner.

So its perfume next and I hope we all buy a nice one, and smell fine on that day… see you all folks.