Well, I think this isn't good administrative manners. I have been lacking in my job for this blog and I must apologize to those (if any) of you who visits or read this record.
The fact is I missed one meeting and had so much on my little hand. But I have gone back to the fold again any way. So this will be a double update on events.
In the last meeting, something actually came across my mind while waiting for the discussion to commence.
As at last August, no one could have believed that the London Book Club would survive 2005. Attendance was rocking like a boat that’s lost its oar and occupants were already giving up on making the bank.
Thanks to Khaled Hossoeini’s Kite Runner. That event saw a big turn up and subsequently it has held and grown in bounds and leaps. Presently, our meeting counts in 20s whereas 8 people were a great attendance last year.
May I congratulate Mark Allan for holding on and Mex for the February meeting at the Garrick Arms which helped boost it all. Now people, there will be another social gathering at the Garrick Arms, with an accompanying free meal; and bet me, the Garrick Arms give more than a charity…
Anyway, so far, it’s all going fine and growing from strength to strength. So bravo to you all bookworms (no offence please), read more, come along, the family is created already.
And for you, who is still standing outside and peeking, drop your fears and come along. It’s a free house, free speech, equal comments, decent people…
Tcha! Enough of this rambling, ask what you like.